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Colorado Pavers

Artisan Baby Block Wall

Artisan Wall

Heritage Face Brick

Concrete Blocks

Hi-Strength Concrete Blocks

Lightweight Concrete Blocks

Architectural Block

Colorado Pavers

Artisan Baby Block Wall

Artisan Wall

Heritage Face Brick

Concrete Blocks

Hi-Strength Concrete Blocks

Lightweight Concrete Blocks

Architectural Block

All standard blocks are manufactured to C.S.A. Standard A165.1-04.

The strength of all units meets or exceeds the CSA A165.1-04 of 15.0MPa, and as proud members of the Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association (CCMPA) we follow the strict guidelines agreed to as an organization, some of which are, to promote research and development, and assist in the marketing and training aspects within the industry, as well as to educate the general public about what is safer – block or drywall.

For more shapes and sizes, please contact our office at 905-727-1311

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